Jumat, 20 Maret 2020

Is It Really Choking Because Someone's Talking Again?

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Eh properly so sound does not choke. You must have right suddenly choking when eating and drinking again or suddenly just choked. Why is that so? Any sign ourselves again considered by the closest, if people often call "more beneficial". I do not know what the exact equivalent word to call it, I'm also confused ya ..

In essence, the myths circulating in the community if we suddenly choking. That's the sign yourself again thought up by someone. Either there are again talking about you behind or even longer exists the same miss you. Hayoo who ya ...

* Whoever it is, please lah let me enjoy my meal in peace. don't think about me all the time

Quoted from malesbanget.com in an article titled 7 Things That Often Made Signs Someone Again diomongin (19/10/2017) When you eat casually, suddenly wrote you choke. Yet again you do not rush and do not again have a chat too. But you choke, scrambling kept coughing itself. Some say the heck that means tuh like that person's subconscious again nangkep message that someone else somewhere else talking about him.

Regardless whether or not choked due to longer thought up by someone. Everything is restored to you.

Basically choking occur for several reasons. As information from gamesiana.com (10/19/2017) The following is the cause why you can choke:

1. Because the food was too spicy food, rude, or texture that makes scratchy throat

2. There is interference in our respiratory tract, such as a cough. So when the meal will also be disrupted

3. Because eating and talking, sometimes we are not aware and joking while feeding. Then there are foods that go into the respiratory tract, is what causes choking

4. Eating too quickly or rush, may also result in our tongue bitten

So far I do not know exactly does relation between thought choked with another person. In some cases this myth is true. And our society is already familiar with the "confidence" like this. Ya think of it is included into one of the local wisdom.
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